
LuvToCode and Self Discovery Bootcamp

What future learning environments need is not more mechanization, but more humanization; not more data, but more wisdom; not more objectification, but more subjectification;” - William Rankin “What we need going forward and what we have always needed is not a group of uncritical students but students equipped to assess and discern and apply what is valid to make things: solutions, connections and resources. This need has been woefully demonstrated in the Corona pandemic, where even some national leaders repeatedly exhibit their inability to distinguish real from fake or struggle to apply even the most basic scientific and economic principles including the lack of empathy towards their citizens. In the world that emerges out of all this, the focus of education must be on generating whole, competent, humane citizens rather than ‘objective,’ easily digestible data about the distribution of information. No one should care too much about what percentage of students can ...


LUV 2020: WHAT’S IN STOCK FOR US ALL? I am writing this article filled with great pleasure and happiness as we managed to close 2019 on a high note. We, as Level Up Village Zimbabwe, managed to realise our efforts translating into positive results as we graduated from being a pilot project into a working concept. I’m very grateful to the team at Level Up Village for the strong support, this team comprising of the immediate staff, the teachers, the students and the parents who are eagerly supporting their students to communicate with their partner students across the world as they understand the value of global networks. We successfully ran our first  #LuvToCode  bootcamp, which ran from the 9 th to the 20 th of December 2019 got a shocking subscription of 43 local children and one international from Australia. Such a significant milestone has given us great energy as we enter into 2020. It gave us the impetus to do more exploits into the uncharted waters of globalizing t...

#LuvToCode Videos

Level Up Village Zimbabwe-From The Pilot Study to the First Class

Level Up Village in Zimbabwe The year was 2017, in the month of March when I got the first appreciation of what Level Up Village is all about. From that Monday morning, until this day, I have been involved in every Level Up Village event and activity. With my team here in Harare Zimbabwe and with the support of our head office in the United States of America, we have managed to transform and grow the organisation in a very passionate way. Many people have been asking about Level Up Village. Is it a social media networking site? Is it a music download site? These are some of the questions we always answered day in and day out as we took Level Up Village to the schools.   Level Up Village is more than just a social networking site, more than an educational platform. It is best known as Level Up Village and in this article, you will hear more of its operations, strides, breakthrough and challenges as experienced by the people of Zimbabwe. This article will explore the exper...